Michigan Parkinson Foundation Exercise Classes

Exercise Classes Now Underway
10:00 am

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Michigan Parkinson Foundation wants to make sure you keep moving, and is now offering Parkinson Exercise Classes FIVE DAYS A WEEK . . . Monday thru Friday!Monday at 10:00 am (starting June 1 through August 31)

PWR Moves (Parkinson Wellness Recovery) Exercise
Instructor: Jamie Haines, PT, DScPT, NCS, Central Michigan University
Tuesday at 10:00 am (starting June 2 through August 25)

PWR Moves (Parkinson Wellness Recovery) Exercise
Instructor: Angee Ludwa, PT, Ascension Genesys
Wednesday at 10:00 am (starting June 3 through August 26)

Adapted Yoga for Parkinson’s
Instructor: Mindy Eisenberg, MHSA, Director of Yoga Moves MS
Thursday at 10:00 am (starting June 4 through August 27)

PWR Moves (Parkinson Wellness Recovery) Exercise
Instructor: Presented by Amy Yorke, PT, PhD Board Certified in Neurologic Physical Therapy Associate Professor, Physical Therapy Department, University of Michigan-Flint
Friday at 10:00 am (starting June 5 through August 28)

Adapted Yoga for Parkinson’s
Instructor: Mindy Eisenberg, MHSA Director of Yoga Moves MS

These Exercise Classes are made possible by generous donations to the Michigan Parkinson Foundation. We need YOUR help so we can continue to provide our Programs and Services to those living with Parkinson’s disease, their caregivers and family members.


Michigan Parkinson Foundation is available to help those affected by Parkinson’s disease. As we always say . . .


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