Importance Of Exercise – Stick With it!
Exercise is an important part of healthy living for everyone. For people with Parkinson’s, exercise is more than healthy: it is a vital component to maintaining balance, mobility and the ability to perform activities of daily living. In fact, research from the Parkinson’s Outcomes Project shows that people with Parkinson’s who exercise a minimum of 2.5 hours a week experience a slowed decline in quality of life. Establishing early exercise habits is an essential part of overall disease management.
What type of exercise should I do?
To help manage the symptoms of Parkinson’s, be sure your exercise program includes a few key ingredients:
- Flexibility (stretching) exercises
- Aerobic activity
- Resistance training or strengthening exercises
These elements are included in many types of exercise. Biking, running, tai chi, yoga, Pilates, dance, weight training, non-contact boxing, qi gong and more all have been shown to have positive effects on symptoms for people with Parkinson’s. Researchers in the study mentioned above did not distinguish between what type of exercise participants did and determined that all types of exercise are beneficial. What’s important is to do it, and do it regularly. Find an exercise you like, and stick with it!
Delay The Disease Videos
PT Services Rehabilitation – Fremont
Minute to Move video
Delay the Disease
Allen Eiry Senior Center
28 Hopewell Ave., Tiffin, OH 44883
Monday and Wednesday 11:45 am to 12:45 pm
Gina Menke, PT, DPT 419-455-8600
Delay the Disease – PT Services, Inc.
Tuesday and Wednesday 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm
1500 Tiffin Road, Fremont, OH 43420
Lesley King 419-334-6630
Ft. Meigs YMCA
Tuesday and Thursdays from 3:00-4:00 pm
Free to YMCA members,$40 for nonmembers for 8 week sessions
13415 Eckel Junction Rd. Perrysburg, OH
Matt Fleig at 419-251-9622
Fulton County Health Center Rehab
138 E. Elm St., Wauseon, OH.
Tuesday and Thursday, 10:30 am to 11:30 a.m
Becky at 419-335-1919
Hancock County 50 North
339 E. Melrose Ave., Findlay, OH 45840
Fitzgerald Room
Monday and Wednesday, 11:30 am to 12:15 pm
Free to members of 50 North
$20 for non members for 8 week – First week is FREE!
[email protected]
419-423-8496 ext. 2004
Heartland Rehabilitation Services at Arrowhead Park
518 The Boulevard, Maumee, OH
Chair Yoga at 2:30 pm every Tuesday
Kingston Care Center – Perrysburg
345 E. Boundary St., Perrysburg, OH
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11:00 am to 12:00 pm
Kingston Care Center – Sylvania
4121 King Rd., Sylvania, OH 43560
Tuesdays & Thursdays 11:00am – 11:45am
$50/8 week sessions
Roseann Peiffer at 419-517-8200
Knock Out Parkinson’s
International Boxing Club
965 Telegraph Rd., Toledo, OH
Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays at 9:00 – 10:00 am
Contact Coach Harry Cummins at 419-214-0614
Marion YMCA
3 levels of exercise – Delay the Disease
Beginner on Tues, Thurs. at 10:00-10:45 am
Intermediate on Mon, Wed, Sat. at 9:40 – 10:40 am
Advanced on Tues. Thurs. Sat. at 11:30-12:15 pm
Peak Fitness
1880 N. Perry St., Suite 250, Ottawa, OH
The Beat Dance Company
1330 Brim Rd., Bowling Green, OH
Sundays, 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm
$15.00 for 6 week sessions
University of Toledo Main Campus
Health Education Building – Basketball Court #1,
across the street from the Football Stadium at the bottom of the hill
Sessions Ongoing.
Sign up by calling Michelle Masterson 419-530-6671
UT Health and Science Wellness Center
Tuesdays and Thursdays 5:15 pm to 6:15 pm
[email protected]
Wood County Committee on Aging
305 N. Main St, Bowling Green, OH
Thursday, 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm
$30.00 for 12 week sessions
Daniella Bromley 419-353-5661