Are you a Patient with or a Caregiver for someone who has Parkinson’s? The Parkinson’s Foundation of Northwest Ohio is a local organization focused on providing a method of communication and support.
The PFNWO can best be thought of as a GATEWAY to PD resources. You can find information about living with or caring for someone with PD, links to many helpful websites for more detailed information about PD, and best of all—information about the region’s support groups—for some firsthand information about life with PD.
The Parkinson Foundation of Northwest Ohio, PFNWO, serves the 24 counties that make up Northwest Ohio. Established to disseminate information about Parkinson’s disease to all interested residents of NW Ohio, the PFNWO is a non-profit organization committed to improving the quality of life for those affected by Parkinson’s disease.
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We have everything you need to live better with Parkinson’s. Support our mission to improve care and advance research toward a cure.